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Windy Butte Ranch  Kniffen Livestock

Your premium source for Hereford Cattle and Arabian Horses
180 WINDY BUTTE LN, SPRING MILLS, PA 16875  P:814-422-8686

Bulls & Bred Cows Available 

Photo: EFBEEF P230 Frank W420, Daughers

Our Program

By Dan Kniffen and Ann Swinker Kniffen

Source of Performance Hereford Cattle - Real World Cattle- Outcross genetics, with 60+ years of breeding registered Hereford cattle.

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Windy Butte Ranch is located in Central Pennsylvania in Centre County. We pride ourselves in producing quality and not quantity, as both of us were faculty members at Penn State University, we need cattle that will maintain themselves on minimal input. We have no tolerance for cattle that require excessive maintenance or time, this in turn has driven us to cull heavily and to only pass these hardy genetics on to you. We are dedicated to the Hereford industry and can't wait to see how our genetics will influence the breed in the years to come.

Available: Hereford Cattle - cows with calves, Bulls 2yrs and Yrls, All with Excellent Calving Ease, Good Disposition. Moderate size, bred for feed efficiency, grass conversion & carcass quality.

We have some very promising sire prospects in this year’s crop that will be ready in the spring.  If interested in using our herd sires, semen is available on the bull you are interested in using. For more information or help locating a bull for your next herd sire feel free to contact us.


Hereford Bulls Yearlings and 2 yr. olds, Excellent Calving Ease, Good Disposition. Moderate size, bred for feed efficiency, grass conversion & carcass quality. Nationally Recognized High-Performance Sires, Pedigrees include; SHF Ribeye R117, KCF Bennett R294, Fortune 848, Target B439, Legend 242, EFBeef Plato, Perfection 581, Cuda 815B, EFBeef 10Y Hometown E115, Tested X 651, and Frank W420.  Cow/calf pairs available. Ultrasound data can be available.  Delivery can be arranged.
You’ll always be surprised with the new updated genetics and tried and true traditional genetics that we have available to help with your herd's advancement.

On occasion a few cow/calf pairs and Heifers are for sale.
Each year we offer for sale all of our 4 & 5 year old bred cows.

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K MR RIBEYE R117 2074 P44387881, Born April 23, 2022,
Sire:  SHF RIBEYE M326 R117 P42584003 Dam:  K MS Hometown 774 074 P44160786,
Rare and unique pedigree, his Sire Ribeye has been tested and proven in most all-American Hereford Association refences and test programs.  Ribeye was a trend leader in many traits and ranks in the top 1% of the breed for BMI and BII and in the top 5% for BII and CHB. RIBEYE R117 and this son exhibit both thickness and performance.  His dam is a EFBEEF 10Y HOMETOWN 115ET P43863659 daughter. Her dam is a Target 574 774 X Frank W420 daughter.  He is a well balance, eye catching bull. We are very excited to add him to our breeding program here at Windy Butte.  We have heifers that are calving to him for the 2023 season.

Windy Butte
Herd Sires
Check out the bulls that sired calves at our farm

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CALVED April 9, 2018
Sire: EFBEED X651 Tested A250 P43440096
Dam: EFBEEF P230 Fellisity B45  p43559300 (Sired by EFBEEF TFL U208 Tested X651)

EFBEEF A250 TESTED F225 New bull added to Windy Butte Stud. F225, has great calving ease and growth in a maternal package. A very unique birth weight to growth to mature size EPD profile. Dark red and pigmented, homozygous polled. CED 12.1, BW -1.5, YW 97, Fat 0.083, REA 0.54, MARB 0.63.
This bull is co-ownerd with Windy Butte Ranch, West Virginia University, Ellis Farms and Nnoll Crest Farms.

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Cuda 815F P43927903 Calved April 21,2018
Sire:  BEHM 100W CUDA 5044C P43636764
Dam:  EFBeef U208 Fellisity Z011 P43286250  
Unique out cross pedigree, his dam is a Foremost daughter.  We were very excited to ad Cuda to our breeding program here at Windy Butte in 2020 & 2021.  We have several 2021 bulls and heifers sired by him.

Excellent Calving Ease ( CED 7.6 and BW 0.1)  to growth spread with eye appeal.  Well Balanced correct Bull.

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SHF Rib Eye M326 R117 P42584003 3/23/2005-2014

Sire: KCF Bennett 3008 M326 P42361822

Dam: HVH Miss Hudson 83K 8M P42247970

Rib Eye is a true breed icon.

Rib Eye has been tested and proven in most all the American Hereford Association's reference and test programs. Rib Eye is a trait leader in many traits and ranks in the top 1% of the breed for BMI and BII and in the top 5% for BII and CHB.  Rib Eye’s progeny exhibit both thickness and performance. His depth of body, big hip and raccoon pigmented, hooded eyes make him one of the total package bulls of the Hereford breed.

He has been a trait leader for maternal EPDs.  Nationally, Rib Eye daughters have weaned many 1,000's of calves with a weaning weight ratio of 100.8. Rib Eye has passed on his genetics through the next generations in our cow herd. Even today, his sons and grandsons are some of the most sought-after sire groups in the Hereford breed.   Limited semen available through ABS Global. We have several 2022 calves by him at Windy Butte . 


KCF Bennett 9126J R296 P42651401  Born 9/9/2005-2017

Sire:  CL 1 Domino 9126J 1ET  41113279

Dam:  KCF Miss 3008 344 P42430118

R296, Stars in calving ease, moderate mature size, he is a breed leader for all Hereford Indexes. Ranks in the top 25% of the breed or better on 14 different EPDs and indexes.  R294 is moderate framed with added capacity and pigmentation.  Excels for key maternal components: CE, MCE, Milk, SC and udder quality.  Semen through ABS Global.  We have a few heifers breed to him for 2023.

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P43187500  3/29/2011

Sire: EFBEEF Foremost U208 P42896690

Dam:  EFBEEF 9802 Stella S657 P42694568

Fortune has been identified through progeny feed intake testing as a sire that brings reliable growth and excellent feed efficiency in his progeny.

Progeny are available from owners and semen is available worldwide through ABS Global.

He is the Hereford breed's top feed efficiency bull.  Qualifies as a true curve bending birth to growth bull. Fortune was standing at WVU in Morgantown, WV, as part of a breeding feed efficiency trail and has returned to Windy Butte for the 2021 season.

Outcross, Fortune has calving ease genetics that will work on most popular lines today.  He is a feed efficiency winner, progeny proven to reduce intake - HAY SAVER.  His daughters are maturing into moderate framed, good uddered broody cows with extra rib and fleshing ability.  DNA tested homozygous polled.

EFBEEF Z055 Target B439 (43558690),.JPG


(P43558690)Born 3/11/2014, Passed 2021

Sire:EFBEEF 22S ONTARGET Z055 (P43286292) 

Dam:EFBEEF N093 VIVIAN Z032 (P43286270)

He has a very rare 78 Birth Weight ratio and 115 Weaning Weight Ratio. Moderate stature, thick muscled package. Target has proven to be a VERY high confidence calving ease herd bull.   

EFBEEF U457 PRIME PLATO Z095 (P43334454) Born 4/29/2012 

Sire: Edisto E132 Plato Dom U457 ET P42904171

Dam: EFBEEF 6378 Kate W484 P43032139

Genetics for a forage environment! A totally unique pedigree to the majority of Herefords today and a bull designed for forage environments.

Big ribbed moderate framed, with plenty of muscle expression. Exceptional phenotype in this herd bull. Long bodied, full pigment, with plenty of muscle hung on a big pelvis. He is a meat wagon.  


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EF Beef 10Y Hometown E115 (43863659) Born: 4/13/2017

Sire:  NJW 73S W18 Hometown 10Y ET P43214853
Dam:  Feltons Kate P38 P42223213 (Feltons Domino 774, daughter)
This bull has shown great promise. We have several of his daughters back in the herd. We are very pleased with the growth and quality of his calves.

 Hometown Son who's pedigree combines a very popular line in the Hereford breed with the reliable core breed base. His high performance Genomic Projection highlight his performance. If you want pay day pounds and replacement females with high quality udders pay attention here!


EFBEEF N093 Proficient 311A ET P43411683

Born MAR 6, 2013, Passed 2021


Sire: EFBEEF Schu-Lar Profection N093 P2444860

Dam: EFBEEF P230 Fellisity P256 P42694577

(by EF F745 Frank P230)

He balances  a really nice visual look with very solid data. This calving ease, growth, carcass and udder quality trait leader is truly an across the board value adding sire.He produces superior females.  

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Born: 03/14/2009-12/2018

Sire: EF F745 FRANK P230 (P42528669) 

Dam: EFBEEF N014 THYRA S645  (P42739736)  

Proven high confidence calving ease herd bull.  Very smooth made, big ribbed, with balanced EPDs.  Pedigree boasts proven light birthweight, with growth. He has produced exceptional daughers.  He has a spreads of 92 BW ratio to a 188 WW ratio.  Top 5% BW, CED, & WW. Nice visual phenotype. Top 2% or better on all dollar indexes. Very productive cow family.  He will be greatly missed.

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1808 - K Mr 10Y Hometown , June 12, 2021,  PHOTO as a yearling
Sire: EF Beef 10Y Hometown E115 43863659, Dam: EFBEEF W420 Fellisity Y808 P43187462 808 888 P43946536, by (EF BEEF P230 FRANK W420).

CE 4.5, BW 1.5, WW 45, YW 82, MM 24, REA .31, MARB .25, CHB$ 133.  

Unique pedigree, his dam is a Frank W240 daughter. She is 15 years old and still producing in our herd.  Her line has real longevity.  In her day she was one of the high IMF cows in the Breed.  We are very excited to add him to our breeding program here at Windy Butte.  We had heifers bred to him for the 2023 season and cows for 2024.

Excellent Calving Ease with eye appeal.  

Well balanced structurally correct bull.

EFBeef A250 Tested H627.png

Windy Butte Herefords

Plan your next visit to Windy Butte - See great cattle!



2024 Registered Hereford Female Sale List
Windy Butte Ranch Yearling Heifers Born 2023 (Weight as of 2/3/2024) 
For Sale:

373- K MS TESTED H627 071 373, P4495697, April 25, 2023, 642#
Sire: EFBEF A250 TESTED H627 ET P44208622, Dam: K MS HOMETOWN 733 076 P44160884, Sire:  EFBEEF 10Y HOMETOWN 115ET P43863659.  Dam: K MS Proficient 333 733 P43827174. She is a SHF RIBEYE M326 R117 granddaughter and a CSU 9213 granddaughter. CE 8.6, BW -0.2, WW 55, YW 88, MM 27, REA .42 MARB .35, CHB$ 123.
324- K MS TESTED H627 024 324, P4495744, April 24, 2023, 600#
Sire: EFBEF A250 TESTED H627 ET P44208622, Dam: K MS HOMETOWN 624 024 P44160770, May 05, 2020, Her Sire:  EFBEEF 10Y HOMETOWN 115ET P43863659.  Dam:  K MS FORTUNE 204 624 P43705483 (she is a K MISS W420 Frank 581 P43593892 daughter, and a SHF RIBEYE M326 R117 granddaughter). CE 7.1, BW 0.6, WW 54, YW 88, MM 29, REA .42 MARB .31, CHB$ 128.
328, K MS CUDA  908 108 P4495860, May 28,2023, 500#
Sire: K MR 10YHometown E115 808 P44264464, Dam:  K MS CUDA 908 108, P44258228, Her Sire:  GG BFBEEF CUDA 815F P43927903, Dam: K MS RIBEYE R117 908, P44053647, Sire:  SHF RIB EYE M326 R117 P42584003.  Dam:  EFBEEF W420 Fellisity Y808 P43187462 (EF F745 Frank P230 P42739736).  CE 5.5, BW 0.8, WW 48, YW 80, MM 23, REA .23 MARB .58, CHB$ 146.


381- K MS HOMETOWN E115 1808 181, P4495861, June 04, 2023, 427#
Sire: K MR 10YHometown E115 808 P44264464, Dam:  181, K MS Hometown 861 181 P44258282, Her Sire:  EFBEEF 10Y Hometown 115ET P43863659, Dam:  861- K MS TARGET 6701 861 P43946527, (Revolution and Prime Plato breeding). CE 6.2, BW 0.9, WW 43, YW 76, MM 20, REA .16 MARB .45, CHB$ 129

318- K MS HOMETOWN E115 1808 158, P4495865, June 18,2023, 530#
Sire: K MR 10YHometown E115 808 P44264464, Dam:  158, K MS CUDA  958 158 P44258252, Her Sire:  GG BFBEEF CUDA 815F P43927903, Dam:  K MS X651 TESTED 958, P44051908, Her Sire:  EFBEEF TFL Tested X651 ET P43091736, Dam:  K MS RYEBYE Y808 508 P43744952, a SHF RIBEYE M326 R117 daughter.  CE 5.4, BW 1.3, WW 51, YW 83, MM 23, REA .26 MARB .48, CHB$ 136.  


308- K MS HOMETOWN E115 1808 188, P4495864, June 11,2023, 461#
Sire: K MR 10YHometown E115 808 P44264464, Dam: K MS Fortune 888 188 P44264472, Her Sire: EFBEEF U208 Fortune Y848 P43187500, Dam:  K MS PROFICENT 808 888 P43946536, (EF BEEF P230 FRANK W420 Granddaughter). CE 3.8, BW 2.1, WW 46, YW 82, MM 23, REA .28 MARB .39, CHB$ 132.

369- K MS TESTED H627 069 369, P4495695, August 16, 2023, 365#
Sire: EFBEF A250 TESTED H627 ET P44208622, Dam:  K MS Hometown 629 069 P44160773, Her sire EFBEEF 10Y Hometown 115ET P43863659, Dam: Revolution 429 629 P4306054, (KCF Bennett X51 A561 X Fortune breeding). CE 6.4, BW 1.2, WW 60, YW 98, MM 31, REA .43 MARB .32, CHB$ 122.


371- K MS TESTED H627 071 371, P4495695, April 28, 2023, 590#
Sire: EFBEF A250 TESTED H627 ET P44208622, Dam: K MS HOMETOWN 6701 071 P44160819, Her Sire:  EFBEEF 10Y HOMETOWN 115ET P43863659.  Dam: K MS Revolution 4701 6701 P43706057, she is a KCF Bennett Revolution X51 and a EFBEEF U457 Prime Plato Z095 granddaughter. CE 2.0, BW 3.0, WW 62, YW 100, MM 29, REA .41 MARB .30, CHB$ 121.  


340- K MS TESTED H627 040 340, P4495745, May 18, 2023, 475#
Sire: EFBEF A250 TESTED H627 ET P44208622, Dam: K MS HOMETOWN 6840 040 P44160820, Her Sire:  EFBEEF 10Y HOMETOWN 115ET P43863659.  Dam:  K MS PLATOH Keller 0840 6840 P43705475, a SHF RIBEYE M326 R117 and a Bennett 9126JR 294 granddaughters. CE 5.0, BW 1.5, WW 57, YW 89, MM 26, REA .36 MARB .43, CHB$ 134.  

365- K MS TESTED H627 065 365, P4495743, July 27, 2023, 397#
Sire: EFBEF A250 TESTED H627 ET P44208622, Dam: K MS CUDA 865 065 P44160803, Her Sire:  GG EFBEEF CUDA 815F P43927903, Dam:  K MS TARGET 615 865 (Plato). CE 7.7, BW 0.3, WW 59, YW 92, MM 29, REA .36 MARB .41, CHB$ 133.

364- K MS TESTED H627 064 364, P4495742, August 15, 2023, 455#
Sire: EFBEF A250 TESTED H627 ET P44208622, Dam:  K MS HOMETOWN 674 064 P44160774, Her Sire:  EFBEEF 10Y HOMETOWN 115ET P43863659, Dam:  K MS FORUTINE 374 674 P43706049 (CSU X RIBEYE). CE 2.8, BW 2.6, WW 59, YW 97, MM 31, REA .45 MARB .30, CHB$ 123.  

008-KMS HOMETOWN 708 008 P44160778, June 1, 2020
Sire: EFBEEF 10Y Hometown 115ET P43863659, Dam: K MS Ribeye Y808 508 P43744952 (SHF RIBEYE M326 R117 daughter). CE 4.0, BW 1.4, WW 49, YW 78, MM 22, REA .29 MARB .46, CHB$ 136.

971- K MS X651 TESTED 971, P44051892, May 1, 2019
Sire:  EFBEEF TFL Tested X651 ET P43091736, Dam:  K MS FRANK 271 P43314982, a SHF RIBEYE M326 R117 granddaughter.  CE 6.0, BW 1.5, WW 56, YW 87, MM 27, REA .41, MARB .65, CHB$ 156



3168- K MS Hometown 868 3168 P4495863. June 9, 2023

Sire:  K MR Hometown E115 808 P44264464, His Sire EFBEEF 10Y Hometown 115ET P43863659, Dam: K MS Hometown 868 168 P44258300, K MS TARGET 6618 868 P43946533, Plato daughter, granddaughter.  CE 3.6, BW 2.2, WW 46, YW 78, MM 20, REA .17 MARB .41, CHB$ 128.

3015- K MR HOMETOWN E15 1808 015 P4495866, September 6, 2023,  
Sire:  K MR Hometown E115 808 P44264464, His sire EFBEEF 10Y HOMETOWN 115ET P43863659.  Dam:  K MS Hometown 615 015, She is a K MS PLATO 0915 615 P43705476, a SHF RIBEYE M326 R117 granddaughter.  CE 6.8, BW 0.6, WW 40, YW 68, MM 19, REA .18 MARB .41, CHB$ 131.


3615 -K MR Hometown E11 1808 1615 P4495862, June 5, 2023
Sire:  K MR Hometown E115 808 P44264464.  His Sire:  EFBEEF 10Y Hometown 115ET P43863659, Dam: MAYGRANT P44310153, Her sire EFBEEF 10Y HOMETOWN 115ET (U457 Prime Plato Z032, and RIBEYE R117 breeding).  CE 4.2, BW 1.9, WW 46, YW 74, MM 18, REA .17 MARB .42, CHB$ 130.


3971-K MR TESTED H627 971 3971 P4495732, July 10, 2023
Sire:  EFBEEF A250 Tested H627 ET P44208622, Dam: K MS X651 TESTED 971, P44051892, her sire EFBEEF TFL Tested X651 ET P43091736, her dam K MS FRANK 271 P43314982, (SHF RIBEYE M326 R117 breeding).  CE 5.8, BW 1.3, WW 62, YW 97, MM 30, REA .50, MARB .51, CHB$ 145.


3708-K MR TESTED H627 708 3708 P4495726, August 17, 2023
Sire: EFBEEF A250 Tested H627 ET P44208622, Dam: K MS Tested X651 508 708 P43827236 her sire EFBEEF TFL U208 Tested X651 P43091736, Her dam K MS Ribeye Y808 508 P43744952. CE 8.4, BW 0.4, WW 61, YW 92, MM 28, REA .49, MARB .53, CHB$ 146. 


3199- K MR KCF R294 199 3199 P 4495707, May 3, 2023
Sire: KCF Bennett 9126J R294 P42651401, Dam: K MS Hometown 899 199 P44258302,
he Sire EFBEEF 10Y Hometown 115ET P43863659, Dam: K MS ROFICIENT 599 899 P43946537, (W420 Frank and Ribeye breeding), CE 5.6, BW 2, WW 56, YW 95, MM 25, REA .25 MARB .39, CHB$ 125.

UPDATED April. 30, 2024

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Over the years, several of our Windy Butte Ranch cows were awarded the American Hereford Association Dams of Distinction  award,  In addition  some of our bulls received the Sire of Distinction list honors.

Windy Butte Herefords hosts Penn State's (PSU) Advanced Beef Production Class of students each year.  The students learned about pasture management, animal handling systems, composting and feeding systems.

From 2016 to recently, the United States Equestrian  Federation (USEF) has announced  Docs Magnum (Arabian Stallion) as USEF Horse of the Year Champion Arabian Western Pleasure  for Regions 15 & 16. Good job Rach Baust and Magnum.

Come by and enjoy our operations, the cattle, horses and activities.

Please contact us!

180 Windy Butte Ln

Spring Mills, PA 16875  USA

(Note: map only takes you to Spring Mills, PA.  We are located one mile north.  Take Penns Creek Rd north, turn on to Allison Rd for one mile then left on to Windy Butte Ln.)


Farm 814-422-8686, Cell 970-389-0180 Click on web site for more

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EFBeef A250 Tested H627 P44208622, 4/20/20- 4/2023
Sire: EFBEEF X651 TestedA250 P43440096, Dam: EFBEEF N093 Fellisity X654.

His sire, EFBeef X651 Tested A250 has been a steller producer of females across the Hereford breed. Semen is near non-existent. Tested H627 is the next generational step for making females from the EFBeef "Tested" sire line.  EFBeef A250 Tested H627 ET carries a wonderful pedigree and a superb set of EPD's astute cattlemen will be proud of. Check out this young sire.


Farm 814-422-8686, Cell 970-389-0180 Click on web site for more

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